
I found myself sitting in my chair and judging people. I saw their imperfections and despised them. I sat myself above them. I got annoyed by a mosquito. The apple was bruised. The scales were tipped, the rose had thorns that were too large and bloom that was too small. I admit it. But not to fall a victim to my own devices I embrace it and share it in this painting.




Roaming in a room of a mansion.
A room full of memories. Everything that came after.
Sadness had loosened grip.
Filled with incense and chanting. Eyes closed shut.
So hard to open, to see. Struggling to find the strength.
Surrounded by warmth, by light.
The shapes, the countless forms.
The teacher departed, the lesson unveils.
Immortal, Undying, Enlightened. From where I come, there I go.
The gate above has opened the gate below, and the door to the room, and the eyes.
To see beneath the form, recognize and understand.
Disguised as meek and inconspicuous.
True and good, vulnerable and serene.
Turns out I am not the master, what a joke.
The Mystic, the Divine, the Canine.


Three brief and fleeting states or emotions experienced at once create my extasy. These are joy, bliss and love. Feeling is settle like a sunset yet I am filled with the most beautiful light and transported high up in the clouds. Joy is represented by butterflies, bliss is represented by blue birds and love is represented by flowers.

Astounding discovery unified three brief feelings. Gratefully I present my extasy.

From poisons to potions – transformation of a heart.

Mind and heart. Thoughts and feelings. We ingest poisons from the world. From other people, things, experiences. We can expel them out back into the world, but the poison in is the poison out. Do you really want to pass your poison to the next person? There is a way. We hold the power of a transformation and it lies in our hearts. This painting depicts an act of a heart. It is our conscious choice.

Plate of worms at the pity party


I refuse to be pitiful on purpose.

At the pity party you can find Grines, crying, King and queen of grudge. Glass that is half empty and half full with disgusting things. Self pity is a subject that is too familiar.

Self pity is a destructive and deceptive action. Underneath compassion inducing layer lies a ego and selfishness in most manipulative form. At the pity party I challenge you to eat your worms as you promised. Will you?

Job of a Bird Job of a Mouse


Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?


Sometimes I think how disconnected we are from nature. There is no such thing in nature that would resemble pursuit of wealth. Is there greed and desires of power in animal world? Get up in the morning, put on the clothes and go to work…. Birds don’t do it.

Animals don’t wear clothes, get up in the morning and go to work. They don’t collect salary and get credit cards. They don’t buy or sell but they live by Providence. We the people are more and more unnatural… Animals don’t have to choose career or dream of being someone. Go to school and get a diploma. Those paintings help me to keep perspective…